
For the Hobbyist and Enthusiast

Before being a teacher, first and foremost I LOVE tech.

My first ever computer was an 8-bit Atari 800XL. Even when it was new (to me) in the '80s, it was a flaky machine. It usually took 15 to 20 attempts to make it load something from the cassette, which would only work if the TV was turned off. Which of course meant to check progress you had to turn the TV on again which could make it fail.

This section is dedicated entirely to what I find interesting, enjoyable and fun. Yes, it may be geeky, it may be sad, but I still love it and I invite you into my own little world.

At this point, I have no idea how this section will develop. I think I'll cover some emulation, programs and projects, but who knows. Get in contact with me using the form on the front page if you like.

Oooh! Yes, I really think that the modern day computers should have taken a bit more influence from the Acorn Archimedes RISC OS design in some areas (no, not ROM based OS!) beyond just using the Acorn RISC Machine (ARM) processor architecture.